Director Removal under Section 71 of the Companies Act in South Africa: A Comprehensive Guide

In South Africa, the removal of directors from companies is governed by Section 71 of the Companies Act. This provision outlines the procedures for director removal, granting shareholders the power to remove directors through ordinary resolutions. In this article, we will provide a comprehensive guide to director removal under Section 71 of the Companies Act in South Africa, highlighting the rights and considerations for both shareholders and directors.

Section 71 of the Companies Act

Section 71 of the Companies Act establishes the process for removing directors from companies. It states that a director can be removed through an ordinary resolution passed at a shareholders' meeting, regardless of any provisions in the company's Memorandum of Incorporation or shareholders' agreements. This provision, known as an "unalterable provision," ensures that shareholders' right to remove directors cannot be restricted or contracted out of.

Considerations for Minority Shareholders

The removal of a director by majority vote may raise concerns for minority shareholders who rely on their right to appoint a director to protect their interests within the company. As directors can be removed through ordinary resolutions, minority shareholders should carefully consider other mechanisms to safeguard their rights and interests in the company's operations.

Procedures for Director Removal

  • Notice Requirement: Before considering a resolution to remove a director, the concerned director must be given notice of the meeting and the resolution. The notice must be equivalent to what a shareholder is entitled to receive, regardless of whether the director is also a shareholder of the company.

  • Opportunity for Presentation: The director being considered for removal must be given a reasonable opportunity to make a presentation in person or through a representative at the meeting. This allows the director to address the shareholders and provide their perspective before the resolution is put to a vote.

Legal Protections and Shareholder Rights

While majority shareholders hold the power to remove directors, it is important to note that the Companies Act provides certain protections and rights for directors. Directors cannot be removed without following the prescribed procedures and their removal must not be based on fraud or bad faith by the shareholders.


Section 71 of the Companies Act in South Africa governs the removal of directors from companies. Shareholders hold the authority to remove directors through ordinary resolutions passed in shareholders' meetings. However, the Act includes provisions to ensure that directors are given proper notice and a reasonable opportunity to present their case before a vote is taken. It is crucial for both shareholders and directors to understand and adhere to these procedures to maintain transparency, accountability, and fairness in director removal processes.

If you would like to find out more, contact our offices today to schedule an appointment with one of our corporate law specialist attorneys.


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